Tag Archives: antique

Antique Gorham Sterling Silver Repousse Tea Coffee Set 5 Pc #1333 Date Mark 1890

marked-sterling-silver-ixmIntroduction to Antique Silver Makers Marks

The set carries the Gorham year mark (Rooster) for 1890. Listing and template services provided by inkFrog. This item is in the category Antiques\Silver\Sterling Silver. Antique gorham sterling silver repousse tea coffee set 5 pc #1333 date mark 1890 sterling weight can either be listed in oz(postal), toz (troy ounces) or grams.

2. Rare Large Chinese Antique Famille Rose Porcelain Vase 19th Centurys

large-antique-chinese-ebb19th Century Chinese Rose Medallion Decorated Porcelain Punch Bowl

Please be aware the photos considered the measure and condition. The vase overall in Excellent antique condition. 2. rare large chinese antique famille rose porcelain vase 19th centurys rare large chinese antique famille rose porcelain vase 19th centurys. This item is in the category Antiques\Asian Antiques\China\Vases.